First, here's a list of the fine folks who've created lists at their own blogs, complete with links so you can all see how awesome they are!
First up is the wonderful Petunia Scareum, aka Trick or Treat Pete, from Deadly Serious. It's clear to see that she took this challenge...well...deadly seriously. Head on over to check out her list, which leads off with Walter Hill's gang-battle classic The Warriors!
Next up, returning for another tour of duty as a Midnight Warrior, is the fabulous Morgan of The Kid in the Hall! Check out her list, which plows straight into my heart with that dose of PJ Soles and The Ramones known as Rock 'n Roll High School!
Another repeat Midnight Warrior, and all around rockstar, is Jinx from Totally Jinxed! She's got a supreme list up at her blog, which leads with John Waters' still-unseen-by-me (insert shame here) Pink Flamingos! (I will see this some looks totally Devine!)
If those lists aren't sick enough for you, here comes a fella whose depravity knows no bounds! That's right, it's Joe Monster of From Beyond Depraved, who has his own list of cult treasures up, with that Time Warp treasure The Rocky Horror Picture Show taking top honors!
The last blogger to post their own list thus far (that I know of, if you've done this and I missed you please let me know!), is the wicked cool Stonerphonic of Borderline! Unlike myself, he saw those '70s happen, and has prepared his own detailed list which is headlined by another movie I know little about (insert more shame here), Stone! (After reading his post on it, I gotta see it!)
I know, I know. That's A LOT of awesome '70s cult movies for you all to read about thus far. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! People can email me their lists too!
Such was the case for the extremely thorough Brandon Sites of Big Daddy Horror Reviews (who just celebrated his 1000th post!!), as he emailed me this listing of his five picks:
5. George A. Romero's Martin - This is the film Romero has said he is most proud of. Has finally started to get a following all these years later due to Lionsgate giving the film a good DVD push.
4. Black Christmas - A classic with horror fans, but people who aren't die hard fans of the genre don't know about this film, even after the remake!
3. The Stepford Wives - It's hard to believe, but yes this film does fit the definitions of a cult movie to a T. The film was originally a flop when it was released and took a beating from critics. After a ton of TV followups, the Stepford Wife moniker has become a modern day pop culture reference, which has ensured this film a loyal following from a select audience.

1. Massacre At Central High - Fell by the wayside, because the film's distributor had no idea how to market the film, despite critical praise and it being embraced by genre fans. Heathers went on to rip this film off.

5. Faces of Death
4. Slap Shot
3. Eraserhead
2. Harold & Maude
1. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
So, we've got seven lists thus far, and seven different picks for the Most Essential Cult Film of the 1970s! Luckily, there are still EIGHT MORE DAYS to get your own lists posted or sent in! In the meantime, you should thank all these fine folks for their help with this little project by hitting up their blogs and enjoying their respective brands of awesome!
While you all do that, I'll be continuing my own journey through the '70s Cult Project here at FMWL all week, so stay tuned for a bunch of stuff on a bunch of films (including my personal Top 5, which should be posted next weekend)! Again, many thanks to all these fine folks for chipping in!
Thanks for this idea, Mike! I had a blast creating my list! I enjoyed reading the other lists as well. Looking forward to reading your Top 5!
You've inspired me to write about the British cult film "Girly" which I'll hopefully finish this week. Vanessa Howard's hotness in that film leaves me speechless.
Loving this so much, Mike. I've learned so much already from all the contributors. Can't wait for more.
Whoo hoo! I loved doing this and seeing other peoples lists brought to mind soooo many other movies that I love!
Wonderful? Aw, shucks,, can I get a copy of that in writing? I may need to provide proof of that statement to the next person I date..." says right here, I'm wonderful! Now stop whining and get back in the box."
Dreaded Dreams
Petunia Scareum
FYI- It's actually 1000 Posts, not 100!
Yet another great idea that I loved to take part in.
Great lists so far! I'm giving mine careful consideration, but should have the list finalised soon. I imagine the next week or so will consist in me discovering some rather fantastic films thanks to these lists - so cheers for that!
I already sent you mine. But great selection so far. Look forward to the second batch of lists!
Totally excited that everyone's enjoying the festivities!
Thanks to those of you who've joined in thus far, and I look forward to seeing what others have up their sleeves too!
@Brandon - Sorry for the typo! And congrats!
I don't even know where to BEGIN!
So I'll pick randomly and say: eff yeah Stepford Wives! Suuuuch an eerie little film (and if I may say so, better than the book) that encompasses that '70s attitude.
Great lists all around. If I came up with my own, I'd just be mixing and matching everybody elses.
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