- First up, as usual, I need to thank some people. Recently, FMWL hit 100 followers! And more over, we're now at 103! Am I overly excited about having three digits in that column? You betcha. Of course, now the pressure's on, as I've got more than five score people to entertain. I'll try my best not to let you all down. To all of you, who make me excited to post something new nearly every day (even when I don't!), I send out a hearty thanks!
- I want to send my condolences out to the late Dennis Hopper, and his survivors. Mr. Hopper was always a favorite actor of mine, particularly in Hoosiers (my favorite sports movie, by far), Red Rock West, Speed (Pop quiz, hotshot!), and True Romance. But of course, it wouldn't be FMWL if I didn't mention his darker turns in Blue Velvet, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and Land of the Dead. You were one of a kind, Mr. Hopper.
- May lagged a little behind the last three months in the number of posts I got out there, and I apologize dearly. It was a stressful month at my real world job, which doesn't look to be getting better immediately. But I won't let them keep me down, I assure you.
- I'm proud to say that my most recent new feature, the Random Horror Throwdown, has been a lot of fun for me to write over the past few weeks. I'm glad to see that many are pleased with these posts too, and I plan to keep it going on a weekly basis for the foreseeable future. The Midnight Movie of the Week posts have been my baby since the beginning of the year, but I'm glad to have this feature going forward as a counterpoint to it. (By the way, it might not always be a Random Horror Throwdown, I'm looking at some other genres I can debate too.)
- In addition to these Throwdowns, I'm also excited to say that I've been asked to contribute to Flickchart: The Blog because of them. I know I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, but I wanted to make sure that anyone out there who's unfamiliar becomes familiar with Flickchart; which is definitely the most addictive movie ranking site ever. Go there, befriend TheMike31 (aka, me), and put together a pretty awesome list of your favorite movies!
- Recently there was a bit of drama involving several horror blogs out there, and a lot of people, including myself, became very annoyed. As a writer I fight to be taken seriously, even in my silliest of posts, and the kind of behavior shown - which I felt reflected back on all horror bloggers in a negative manner - frustrated me considerably. However, I do not wish to spend my blogging time on matters such as these - except for addressing the fact that I will not be dealing with them here. If you're looking for something more scandalous in a blog, I'm afraid I won't be able to meet your expectations.
- What has two thumbs and is psyched out of its gourd for Splice to open this weekend? THIS GUY! A review will be up quicker than you can say Jack Robinson....or at least as quickly as possible.
- If you haven't checked out The Bloodsprayer yet, you're severely missing out. I predict big things for this site, which has amassed a Dream Team of writers from blogs across the horror scene. They'll make us all proud, and someday soon.
- On behalf of my family, I also would like to thank everyone who took the time to read my posts on The Masha on Mother's Day and Clownhouse on my sister Mamada's birthday. They very much appreciated the posts, and were excited to hear that several readers felt the same way.
- The return of The Midnight Warriors!
- A celebration of The Mike's birthday!
- A new Audio Commentary!
- More inductions into FMWL's Hall of Fame!
- And, quite possibly....a Blogathon!
EXCLAMATION POINT! Again, thank you so much to everyone who's reading, and stay tuned! All you midnight warriors and lovers of justice might just make June so exciting that I'll be dancing on the bed like the kid in this picture!
Awwww! You're cute. ;)
And let me add, in case I haven't already, that the Random Horror Throwdowns are great!
I agree with the above comment. I love the Random Horror Throwdowns. But looking at that picture, aren't you a little young to be running a horror blog? lol
WooHoo, bring on more Random Horror Throwdown! Heres to another awesome month TM!
Yeah! This is awesome news. This month is gonna rock the Casbah!
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