April 22, 2010

The First Midnight Warriors Have Risen!

I asked, and you responded! I know I said I'd planned to post the responses to my first question on Monday, but thanks to a few early entries, I thought I'd give everyone out there a look at the first brave souls to join the Midnight Warrior cause.

For those who can't click the link above, in fear of missing this awesomeness, the first question I've posed is:
You've been given the opportunity to host a midnight showing of any genre/cult film you want, and are sure to have a great crowd of like-minded fans who will join in. What's the one movie you're going to pick, and why?

To start the festivities, here's what Autumnforest of the fascinating blog Ghost Hunting Theories had to say:
Tourist Trap - This 1979 horror movie stars Chuck Connors and Tanya Roberts (a short-lived Charlie's Angel). The premise is some guys and gals on a road trip that break down near an abandoned museum only to find a lonely man controlling all the mannequins within. I'd pick this movie because I know that no one's probably seen it and also because it is both campy and retro and very creepy! Mannequins are a universal fear and this one really provides some chills. After a time, you wonder if the museum keeper is demented or can really control the mannequins that he treats like the living. It's truly unsettling and I'd choose this one mostly to watch people jump and shriek and get creeped out. If I played it right, I'd hide a mannequin behind them when the movie was playing and at one point scream out "what's that behind you!"

Next up is Rick Axtothefacenheimer (is that Dutch?) from the blood-soaked Dr. Goreman's Nightmare Emporium:
My choice would have to be a 2009 independent horror film called The Trek. It comes to us by Tom Devlin and Lola Wallace from Plan 10 Pictures and is about young newlyweds on their honeymoon out in the wilderness. They happen to stumble upon a couple of cave people and things go downhill fast from there. I chose this film mainly because the story is very original, The Trek isn't well known, and it is one of the most brutal and savage movies I have ever seen. The last 30 minutes are very graphic and not for the squeamish, I never have to look away during movies but I actually had to in one part. I would love to present it to a group of people who at the start may expect one type of film, but by the end, receive something very different.

The third choice comes from Morgan over at the groovy '80s themed blog The Kid in the Hall:
If I was given the opportunity to host a midnight showing of any genre/cult film to a crowd of like-minded fans, I would pick Night of the Creeps. The reason why I would do a midnight showing of this film in particular is that it is an entertaining film. I would want my audience to have a great time when they entered the theater, whether it be fans high fiving other fans whenever Detective Cameron would say "Thrill me!" or even recommending the audience to dress up in prom dresses/tuxedos covered in blood or as zombies, so many things in this film to please an audience member. Night of the Creeps has everything any horror fan would want in a film; zombies, aliens, and maniacs! It's all of the horror genres mixed into one excellent film. I could just see the audience leaving the theater with either a huge smile on their faces or quoting lines from the film. Night of the Creeps would be the film to give me the satisfaction that I needed, if I were to present a midnight showing!

Also offering up opinions, but choosing to post via their own blogs, which is totally cool too, are the following:

Jinx, of the wicked cool blog Totally Jinxed, who offers up her choice - Die You Zombie Bastards!

Enbrethiliel, from the delicious literary blog Shredded Cheddar, who's chosen Wes Craven's The People Under the Stairs!

And, Nicki Nix, of the always awesome Hey! Look Behind You!, who proclaims her love for Tod Browning's Freaks!

A big thanks to all who have offered their opinions thus far. I've not seen half of these choices yet, so if nothing else they're going to provide me with some stuff to watch. I'm hoping that anyone else out there will check out these loved flicks and the blogs of the cool people who have chose them!

If you're out there reading, and are still interested in offering up an answer while becoming a Midnight Warrior, drop me a line at frommidnightwithlove@gmail.com by 7PM CST on Monday 4/26. I look forward to hearing more great midnight movie picks from the warriors who love genre film as much as I do!


  1. The best part about this whole thing is, I get to add movies I didn't know about to my list!

  2. Thanks, Mike! That was fun to do and hopefully you will have some more in store.

  3. Thank you, Mike, it really was fun. Looking forwarded to the next question and to reading everyone else's terrific choices.

  4. Good choices. I've heard of Tourist Trap and seen a few clips online, and it did actually creep me out. I grew up watching The Rifleman on my dad's lap so I don't know if I can handle Chuck Connors taunting women as their hearts explode.

    Of all the selections so far the only one I've seen is Freaks, and I'm up for watching that again so somebody needs to figure out how we can all get together and make this happen. Somebody who isn't me.
