February 18, 2011

More Midnight Warrior Women in Horror Month Goodies!

Maybe I've been a little slow in following stuff this month (I have, and I'm very sorry!), but it seems like Women in Horror Recognition Month has kind of flown right past us.  I know there's still a lot of time left, but I feel like I've only scratched the surface of the Women in Horror stratosphere. 

Thankfully, a lot of great Midnight Warriors have been rolling with pride through the month.  Some have sent me links to their posts, some I have found and loved on my own, but ALL of them are quite awesome.

Let's see what we've got:
Last time we met I promised that my long-time Midnight Warrior Enbrethliel of Shredded Cheddar had some Women in Horror posts coming up, and she hasn't disappointed.  She took on the portrayal of women in the recent hit Zombieland, then looked at some of her favorite women in thrillers (and we all know thrillers are like little baby horror movies), then live bloggified her way through the Hammer Films/Bette Davis chiller The Nanny! (Insert obligatory Bette Davis Eyes joke here, because The Mike is totally in love with that song.)  It's safe to say that the one I simply call "E" and Shredded Cheddar are pure as New York snow (See what I did there, Kim Carnes?) in their support of Women in Horror Month.
Ms. E also sent a new Midnight Warrior toward FMWL, and now I have to be even more forever grateful to her.  Meet Syrin, who hosts the action at her own little aptly titled blog My Own Little Corner.  She's taken a great look at a couple of portrayals of Women in Horror, starting with Aliens and Splice.  (And, as I check my links, I see there's a post about Halloween up there too.  That's like found candy...even if it is a surprising negative review.  I must think on this further...)  Regardless of any difference of opinions, I'm happy to welcome her to the Midnight Warrior family today, and look forward to seeing more of her stuff in the future! 

Some previously mentioned Midnight Warriors have continued to wave their own WiH Month flags as well.  Our good friend Jinx has totally continued to do her own thing over at Totally Jinxed, with a barrage of images of her favorite women and a post on Old Girls Gone Wild.  Also keeping pace is The Bleaux Leaux Reveaux, with a breakdown of female directors of horror.
There are a lot of other great sites covering the Women in Horror phenomenon - places like The Lightning Bug's Lair and Day of the Woman - and I'm excited that others are picking up where I'm slacking.  If you have your own Women in Horror ideas or posts, go ahead and email 'em on over (frommidnightwithlove(at)gmail(dot)com), and I'll make sure to share more Women in Horror goodies before the month is up. 

Keep up the great work y'all!


  1. No one is more saddened than me about my negative Halloween review. I know there are some out there who thrive on being negative, but I don't care for it. Especially when it's a film so many other people love. I'm hoping Halloween II may change my mind about the whole thing.

  2. Ah, thank you for the reminder, I meant to comment on that one. Memory is not my strong suit.

    If the pace is your biggest issue, you may have more fun with Halloween II, or Jamie Lee's return in Halloween H2O (plus that one had a surprisingly soon-to-be-famous cast including Josh Hartnett, Michelle Williams, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt!). I really enjoy Halloween 4 too, but nothing comes close to Halloween in my book.

  3. +JMJ+

    Thanks for the links, The Mike!

    I've been going through the others, too. Such good stuff! But you already knew that, didn't you? ;-)

    And you're welcome for recruiting Syrin as a Midnight Warrior. But since it's only the coolest club on the Internet, how could she not have found out about it herself sooner or later? =P
