March 3, 2010

I'm a Mr. Horror Blogospherer!

Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the blog.

And thus, I'm up for Mr. Horror Blogosphere, a friendly pimping competition run by Chuck over at Zombies DON'T Run, who's a master of getting others in the blog community involved. You can read an interview with myself at said site, in which I talk about my horror preferences way more than my female preferences (Sorry ladies, but you know I love you) and relay how my parents made me awesome.

How do you read said article, you ask? Click the image below!
And if that's not cool enough, read one of my reviews or lists. They're OK too, sometimes.


  1. hellloooo mr fancy horror pants, you are the guy with the blog... nice to know you are human...

  2. +JMJ+

    So far, you're the only one on the list whose blog I've recognised!

  3. Loved the interview man, great answers!
